Mr. Jorquiera has participated in more than 100 conferences around the world involving arbitration and business Law.
Some of his publications made in different media regarding arbitration and dispute resolution include:
• Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards Chile.
• OMC Rules and Procedures for Dispute Resolution.
• Alternative Dispute Resolution in Latin America, and its contribution to the Growth of Trade and Investment.
• Arbitration XXI in Latin America.
• Analysis of International Commercial Arbitration as an Opportunity for the Integration in the hemisphere.
• Arbitration, Foreign Investment, Globalization and the Trade Market.
• Different Methods for Dispute Resolution in Latin-America.
• Performance of International Commercial Arbitration in Chile (published in Kluwer Law International).
Founding Partner
Carlos Jorquiera is the main and founding partner of JJR and has extensive experience in business law and arbitration. Mr. Jorquiera leaded the development of commercial arbitration in Chile, being member and arbitrator of the world’s most relevant arbitration centres.
Founder and Honorary President of the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Center (CAM).
Past President of the National Chamber of Commerce.
Past President of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce.
Arbitrator appointed by the Chilean Government to The International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank (ICSID).
Member of the International Arbitrators Group of the International Center for Disputes Resolution ICDR of the American Arbitration Association.
Past Member of the Counsel representing the private companies in the Inter-American Development Bank. (CASP-BID).
Past-President of the Inter-American Commission on International Arbitration (CIAC).
Past-Member and Chilean representative for the Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of Commerce -ICC- Paris.
Member and Director of the International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce (IBCC) of the International Chamber of Commerce and the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission on International Arbitration (CIAC).
Past-President of the Chilean Section for the Spain-Chile Entrepreneurs Committee.
Counselor of EuroChile Foundation appointed by the Chilean Government.
Past-President of the “Iberoamerican Chambers of Commerce Association” (AICO).
Past-Member of the Group of Experts on Dispute Settlement of the APEC.
Past-Member of a Group of Experts of the Chilean Foreign Investment Committee to update Chilean law of Foreign Statute.
Arbitrator and mediator in international cases International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ad-hoc Arbitration).
Arbitrator and mediator in several cases discussed in Chile between concessionaries of public infrastructure works and the Chilean Government.
Member and Arbitrator appointed by the Governments of Chile and Colombia, in the frame of the Economic complementation Agreement ACE 24, of the ALADI.
Ex-honorary consul of Jamaica in Chile.
School of Law Universidad Católica de Chile (LL.B) (1966).
Public Accountant, specialized on audit standards.
International Business Degree “Foreign Investment in Latin-America”, Georgetown University 1995, (Organization of American States (OAS) - Scholarship).
Law and Economics Professor at Catholic University of Chile, Law School.
Former General Director of the Master in Corporate Law Program -MAGDE-, at Catholic University of Chile, Law School.
Chairman Entrepreneurs’ Committee, Master in Business Law Program, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Counsel at Catholic University, Master in Corporate Law Program.
Vice Chairman Chilean Institute of Economics Law.
Miembro del Colegio de Abogados de Chile.
Miembro de diferentes centros de arbitraje internacional.
Spanish - English
Mr. Jorquiera has participated in more than 100 conferences around the world involving arbitration and business Law.
Some of his publications made in different media regarding arbitration and dispute resolution include:
• Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards Chile.
• OMC Rules and Procedures for Dispute Resolution.
• Alternative Dispute Resolution in Latin America, and its contribution to the Growth of Trade and Investment.
• Arbitration XXI in Latin America.
• Analysis of International Commercial Arbitration as an Opportunity for the Integration in the hemisphere.
• Arbitration, Foreign Investment, Globalization and the Trade Market.
• Different Methods for Dispute Resolution in Latin-America.
• Performance of International Commercial Arbitration in Chile (published in Kluwer Law International).